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Exploring the World of Hypermobility: When Flexibility Brings Pain

Have you ever witnessed a friend perform a jaw-dropping party trick that seemed like a human anatomical impossibility?

Have you ever witnessed a friend perform a jaw-dropping party trick that seemed like a human anatomical impossibility? We’ve all seen those people with an uncanny ability to bend their joints in strange and unnatural ways, like a contortionist from a different realm. But what happens when those impressive feats turn into discomfort and pain, and the seemingly superhuman flexibility becomes a source of torment?

Hypermobility may seem like a gift,but it can turn into a curse without proper care and management.


The hypermobile individuals, often dubbed “double-jointed,” possess the ability to move their joints beyond what is considered “normal.” However, their ability to bend and twist in unconventional ways often leads to pain and debilitating symptoms, making it a syndrome rather than a party trick.

The risks of being hypermobile are far beyond the scope of just performing incredible stunts. Hypermobility syndrome is the primary danger that arises when excessive joint mobility combines with crippling symptoms. While having joints that move beyond what is considered “normal” is not an issue, it’s the resulting symptoms that can make it a syndrome.

Hypermobility is not just a trait that individuals possess. It’s often associated with several other disorders such as Marfan Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. These conditions result from genetic factors that impact the strength of collagen in our body. When collagen becomes weak, joints and ligaments become loose, leading to hypermobility and potential injury.

While hypermobility is not always an issue, it becomes problematic when it causes discomfort and pain. Those who experience joint and muscle pain or stiffness, dislocations, and subluxations, weakness in muscles or muscle groups, poor coordination and balance, fatigue, dizziness, and fainting should seek medical help. Additionally, those with thin and stretchy skin and digestive issues.

Interestingly, hypermobility is more prevalent in females during childhood and adolescence. Hormonal changes over time affect collagen strength in the body, and hypermobility tends to decrease as we age.


Unfortunately, hypermobility can also lead to foot problems, such as bunions. According to a study published in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, people with hypermobility are more likely to develop bunions due to the instability of their joints. Bunions are a bony protrusion at the base of the big toe that can cause significant pain and discomfort, and they are difficult to resolve without proper treatment.

While many turn to yoga for joint flexibility, it’s essential to note that yoga may not be appropriate for those with hypermobility, as it can lead to injuries. According to a study published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, yoga can cause injuries in individuals with hypermobility due to the excessive stretching and bending that can exacerbate existing joint instability.

Fortunately, managing the symptoms of hypermobility is possible with proper treatment. The affected areas need strengthening and stabilisation to avoid injury and overuse. Compound weightlifting and stability training can significantly improve symptoms, and consulting with a physician or physical therapist can help create a personalised plan for managing hypermobility.

If you’re concerned about hypermobility syndrome, we’re here to help. Our incredible integrative Team can assess your movements and provide a plan of prevention to manage your condition. With the right treatment and care, you can turn the source of pain into a manageable condition and take control of your life. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance, by filling the Contact Form.

The key to longevity with hypermobility lies in balance:finding a way to utilise your flexibility while strengthening and stabilising your body.

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